Board Election

Next regular annual election is scheduled for Jan-2024-Feb-2024

Open Positions: President, Seat A and Seat B  

Section 4 of the WCARES constitution defines : Eligibility

In order to hold an Office an individual must be a member in good standing for at least one year and hold a valid Amateur Radio license.


The president shall preside over all meetings and conduct them according to Robert’s Rule of Order. He/She shall enforce due observance of this Constitution and of the Bylaws; decide all questions of order; sign all official documents adopted for semblance of policy and organizational structure by WCARES Inc., and perform all other duties pertaining to the office of the President.

At the expiration of his/her term he/she shall turn over all belongings and records of WCARES Inc. to his/her successor or to the Secretary.

Vice President

The Vice president shall assume all duties of the President in his/her absence. In addition, he/she shall coordinate the organization of WCARES Inc. activities, plan and recommend contests for operating benefit and advance WCARES Inc. interest and activities as approved by the Board of Directors. He/She shall maintain close liaison with the local ARRL ARES® Emergency Coordinator to further participation in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service®. At the expiration of his/her term he/she shall turn over all belongings and records of WCARES Inc. to his/her successor or to the President

This individual must also be aware that the president shall preside over all meetings and conduct them according to Robert's Rule of Order. He/She shall enforce due observance of this Constitution and of the Bylaws; decide all questions of order; sign all official documents adopted for semblance of policy and organizational structure by WCARES Inc., and perform all other duties pertaining to the office of the President. At the expiration of his/her term he/she shall turn over all belongings and records of WCARES Inc. to his/her successor or to the Secretary.


The Treasurer shall receive and keep receipt for all monies paid to by WCARES Inc.; keeping an accurate account of all monies received and expended with the use of WCARES Inc. Board approved accounting software and methodologies; paying no bills or moving no monies, without proper authorization by the Board of Directors.

At the end of each month he/she shall submit a statement of "Financial Income and Expense" since the previous board meeting; motion for approval of this printed account by obtaining pen signature of all present officers and board members and ensure that a copy of this account is filed and made available for public review upon request.

At the end of each fiscal quarter he/she shall submit an audited statement of "Financial Income and Expense" ; motion for approval of this printed account by obtaining pen signature of all present officers and board members and ensure that a copy of this account is filed and published for public review.

At the expiration of his/her term he/she shall turn over all belongings and records of WCARES Inc. to his/her successor, or to the President or to his designated Compliance Officer.

Individuals seeking to fill this position should have some level of bookkeeping and accounting skills and familiarity with our currently used "Quick Books" premier for non-profit computer accounting software. An understanding of budget planning is a plus.

Resident Agent

The Resident Agent shall be the primary contact individual acting as the legal contact for Local, State and Federal communications that transpire between these agencies and WCARES Inc. He/she, or by vote of the WCARES Inc. Board, may designate a Compliance Officer or Attorney of Law, as his/her agent on behalf of the execution of any or all parts of this agent's duty. The Resident agent is responsible for keeping the Board appraised of any legal contacts or communications, and act as the focal contact point for and on behalf of WCARES Inc.; and only after quorum agreement by the Board to act upon any legal communication or business on behalf of WCARES Inc.

To clarify, the Resident Agent shall not independently or solely act on behalf of WCARES Inc. as legal authority for entry into contract, or signature, without proper quorum consent of the Board and its Officers.

In addition, the resident agent is responsible for maintaining vigilance of our P.O. mailbox correspondence and forwarding this mail to the appropriate parties within our organization.


The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, submit membership applications to the Board, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, and mail or e-mail written notices of corporate activity to each member. At the expiration of his/her term he/she shall turn over all belongings and records of WCARES Inc. to his/her successor or to the President or to his designated Compliance Officer.

Board Member (Seat A/B)

Board member Seats A and B are classified as duly elected Board Members which have been installed to support the activities and roles of the primary offices of the board, outlined above.

These board member seats do not have specific assigned corporate compliance roles and serve in the capacity to support special project board activities that may be assigned through proper quorum consent.

A seated board member must also be willing and prepared to take on any other board officer's role, when asked upon through quorum consent, to support board activites in absence of the primary officer; upon Board's requested.