Net Information
We're always looking for individuals as Net Operators, if you're interested please contact
John Phillips (KL7RI) or Arlan Robinson (KA7ZAU)
Wednesday mornings Carson City ARES/DEM
Wednesday mornings. These NETs are open to any and all Amateur Radio Operators that would like to participate, from anywhere.
HF Phone: 7.280 from 830 AM to 8:45 AM. Also HF CW/Code: 7.115 from 8:45 AM to 9:00 AM
DMR Nevada Room TG 3132 from 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM
VHF 147.270 PL 156.7, from 9:30 AM to 9:45 AM
Also you can use WinLink Send to W7DEM & W4FLL Click on the link for more information
Northwest Nevada District ARES Net
The Northwest Nevada District ARES Net
Every Thursday @ 7:30pm on the SNARS linked system. You can also use WinLink and send to Ed Boog - KJ7DHY before Net.
Below are the SNARS Linked Systems consists of 7 linked systems throughout Northwestern Nevada that can be used to check into the net. For more information go
Freq. Offset PL Tone City
147.150 + 123.0 Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Carson, Fallon
147.210 + 100.0 Reno, Sparks
444.125 + 123.0 Reno, Sparks (coming soon)
147.030 + 123.0 Sparks, Spanish Springs, Fernley
146.925 - 123.0 Lovelock, Fallon
146.670 - 123.0 Winnemucca (NNARS Supported)
444.875 + 100.0 Yerington, Smith Valley
SNARS Noon Net
Monday through Friday at 12:00 PM. Below are the SNARS Linked Systems. It consists of 7 linked systems throughout Northwestern Nevada that can be used to check into the net. For more information go
Freq. Offset PL Tone City
147.210 + 100.0 Reno, Sparks
147.150 + 123.0 Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Carson, Fallon
147.210 + 100.0 Reno, Sparks
444.125 + 123.0 Reno, Sparks (coming soon)
147.030 + 123.0 Sparks, Spanish Springs, Fernley
146.925 - 123.0 Lovelock, Fallon
146.670 - 123.0 Winnemucca (NNARS Supported)
444.875 + 100.0 Yerington, Smith Valley
Bishop's Storehouse ERC Net
Monday 9:15pm E. California & NW Nevada ERC Net on 147.210 (+) PL 100., 147.150 (+) PL 123. For more repeaters go to
Norther Nevada Preppers Net
Wednesday 8:00pm Norther Nevada Preppers Net on 147.210 (+) PL 100., 147.150 (+) PL 123. For more repeaters go to
Northwest Nevada Hospital weekly communicators net
Friday morning at 10:00am Northwest Nevada Hospital weekly communicators net
on the SNARS link system.
SNARS Linked Systems consists of 7 linked systems throughout Northwestern Nevada that can be used to check into the net. For more information go
Bishop's Storehouse State ERC Net
Sunday night 7:00 pm Bishop's Storehouse State ERC Net on the KA7ZAU repeater 146.895 (-) PL 100.0 in Reno & Sparks or IRLP 9259, or EchoLink Conference Server. ..*ERC-ECS *, 328327
Tuesday 8:00 PM SNARS Digital Weekly Net. SNARS Talk group 31328 YSF Reflector 29961
Wednesday mornings. The Carson City ARES/DEM welcomes any and all check-ins on DMR Nevada Talk Group 3132
Friday morning at 9:00 AM Hospital DMR check-In Net. On Nevada Talk Group 3132 This is not a formal net. Welcomes any and all check-ins.
Tuesday Bishop's Storehouse ERC WinLink check-In. Welcomes any and all check-ins. Send message to KC7ZJN.
Wednesday mornings. Carson City ARES/DEM welcomes any and all check-ins. Send message to both W7DEM and W4FLL.
Thursday Northwest Nevada District ARES Net. Send your message before 7:30 PM to Ed Boog - KJ7DHY
Friday mornings Hospital WinLink check-In anytime before 9:45 am on Friday, Any WinLink message will be accepted. You can even send the check-in a day before the net. Send message to KL7RI and KA7ZAU.
Every Wednesdays at 7:00 PM PT – NorCal SkyWarn Net
This Skywarn net is an open net, everyone is welcome to participate. Come check-in and give your local weather report. This net is on the *SKY_GATE* EcoLink conference. Also, IRLP Ref. 9252. For more information go to
In the Reno and Sparks NV area. You can check-in on the KA7ZAU repeater system. 146.895 (-) PL tone 100. Anyone can use this repeater to check-in.
HF Net's
Wednesday mornings ARES/DEM HF Phone: 7.280 from 830 AM to 8:45 AM. Also HF CW/Code: 7.115 from 8:45 AM to 9:00 AM
Sundays 2:00pm 10 Meter Net NOW ON 28.350 USB
Net Control Operators
Northwest Nevada District ARES Net
David-AF6MN-Net Manager
Northwest NevadaHOSPITAL NET:
Arlan-KA7ZAU Net Manager
Rich-AF7RM Assistant Manager
Diana M-KJ7GVY back up operator
Larry-KF7NJL back up operator
To All other Net Control Operators on other Nets, we Thank you
A special thank you to Dave Metts K7UI and High Sierra Communications
For the support and usage of the repeater sites that the SNARS repeater systems are located in. We thank Dave for his support and generosity to the Amateur Radio Community. Also a special thank you to SNARS for the use of their repeater system
Live feed link
Live feed link
The link below is a live feed link of SNARS Repeater system. This feed will be broadcasting the Hospital Net on Fridays @ 10:00 AM. Also, the ARES net on Thursdays at 7:30 PM
Go to SNARS, W7TA Linked Repeater System - Reno/Tahoe/Carson City Area Live Audio Feed
A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at the start of the feed. There is a 30 second to 2 minutes of a delay when listening to the live feed.
Official Feed from the Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society, Inc. The SNARS Linked Repeater system comprises of 6 Analog Repeaters covering the Northwestern portion of Nevada along 1-80, US 50, US 395 and I-580 corridors and portions of eastern California. The following repeaters are linked, and the feed is from the 147.210 repeater located on Peavine Peak, North of Reno.
147.150 - Mt Rose (Lake Tahoe, Truckeet, Eastern Sierra)
147.210 - Peavine Peak (North Reno)
147.030 - Virginia Peak (Sparks, Spanish Springs)
146.925 - Tulon Peak (Lovelock, Fallon)
146.670 - Winnemucca Mountain (Winnemucca Area)
444.876 - Lobdelle Peak (Yerington, Wellington Area)