ARES Task Book
ARES® Task Book
As an ARES organization. The Washoe County ARES uses the Task Book as way for our members to stay up to date with training and to record their progress as they are completed. Through recommended and optional courses and exercises.
The Task Book is a working document that enables those WCARES communicators to participate in the ARRL training plan to track and document their training. As they are completed towards the various levels of increasing proficiency. The Task Book should contain all training plan items, completion dates and sign-offs as the WCARES communicator works through the Task Book. The Washoe County ARES communicator is responsible for maintaining the Task Book and having it with them during training and assignments.
If you have questions about WCARES’ implementation of the Task Book, please contact the Washoe County EC Arlan Robinson at
Click on the link below to download the Task Book
The Skill levels
Level 1 - Entry level into ARES®, includes skills learned when obtaining an Amateur Radio license
Level 2 - Set of skills desired by ARES® obtained through coursework and training
Level 3 -Increased your membership to ARES leadership positions and assignments.
Each Level Provides
Level 1 — This is the entry-level to Amateur Radio or Emergency Communications. Introductory training is conducted by the WC-ARES to meet their needs and those of their served agency. This training would introduce the ARES participant to the fundamentals of emergency communications and provide instruction on how participants are to conduct themselves while deployed. In Athletic events (marathons, bike races, etc.)
Level 2 — To qualify for this level, participants should have completed. ARRL’s EC-001 Introduction to Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (or current equivalent) and FEMA IS-100, IS-200, IS 700, and IS-800. Staff agency facilities (requires additional agency-specific training and experience)
Level 3 — This level of training prepares ARES participants to take on leadership positions such as EC, AEC, DEC, ADEC, SEC, ASEC and other positions. Participants are required to complete ARRL’s EC-016, Emergency Communications for Management, along with FEMA courses IS-300, and IS-400. Participants are strongly encouraged to complete the FEMA Leadership Development series of courses IS-120, IS-230, IS-240, IS-241, IS-242, IS-244, and IS-288. This will Increased your membership to ARES leadership positions and assignments.