About Alert Levels
Washoe County Amateur Radio Emergency Service uses three alert levels, depending on the nature of the emergency and the immediacy of the ARES/RACES communications response:
Level 1: The potential for a communications emergency exists. Monitor the Resource Net frequency for situational updates. During the early stages of an emergency, the Resource Net may not be formally activated (i.e., with a full-time Net Control Station (NCS) operator). When monitoring, please keep the frequency clear for announcements and other information. If the Resource Net is activated, check-in only if the NCS opens the net for check-ins. Check your email frequently for additional information and possible activation. Gather your equipment and prepare yourself for volunteering your services and resources.
Level 2: An unusual condition or non-declared emergency exists that has caused local or State officials to issue a warning. Monitor the Resource Net frequency, for situational updates and possible activation. During a Level 2 alert the Resource Net will be formally activated; however, it may take some time until the designated NCS operator is available to open the net. During this time, please keep the frequency clear for announcements and other information. Once the Resource Net is activated, check-in when the NCS opens the net for check-ins. Check your email frequently for additional information.
A Level 2 situation is very likely to develop into a Level 3 alert, during which activations and assignments will be made. The task of gathering your equipment and preparing to volunteer your services should be completed, or nearly so. In anticipation of activation and deployment, you should make sure your family is safe and your home is secure. If you have not already done so, make sure your vehicle has a full tank of fuel and that you are ready to depart. If time permits, eat a snack or a meal and get some rest—once activated, it may be a while before you get a chance to take a break.Level 3: A communications emergency exists and Washoe County Amateur Radio Emergency Service response has been requested. Level 3 is the highest state of alert and volunteer operators and radio resources are needed. The Resource Net will be formally activated by the designated NCS operator. Check-in to the Resource Net when the NCS opens the net for check-ins. Check your email frequently for additional information. The task of gathering your equipment and preparing to volunteer your services should be completed and you should be ready for activation and deployment.
This level of alert may include a formal "State of Emergency" declaration by State or local government officials. This may lead to a situation where only Full Members of Washoe County Amateur Radio Emergency Service will be able to participate in operations at certain sensitive facilities, such as Emergency Operations Centers, Incident Command Posts, or Communications Centers. If you are not a Full Member, be sure to advise the Resource NCS, so that you are not given an assignment at a location where Served Agency officials will not grant you access.