ECOMM 1 Truck

Washoe County ARES Communications Truck is a 1986 IVECO Z450T license ECOMM1. The first door left of logo is to the radio room.  The second door to the left is the service bay. The third door to the left is the bunk room/storage area. Up on top on the right side are the two dual band antennas, 2.4 GHz, 5GHz Wi-Fi antennas and the Hi-Q screwdriver antenna.

The Antenna on cab is for the cab radio. Up top on left side are three dual band antennas. The funny stick in the center is the light pole. The tower in the background is the 800 MHz antenna for the REOC that you can’t see.

Radio room inside ECOMM 1 in 2023

Ecomm1 at the 2023 Full Scale Evacuation Exercise at Incline Village NV 

The Scenario was a lightning Strike causes a forest fire causing a mandatory evacuation of residents from specific neighborhoods.